Racing for the toes

I really want to get these socks done so I can start a new pair with my new yarn. Last night I did the heel flap and turned the heel and did the foot almost all the way to the toe on the second sock. The other sock is at the point where I need to do the toe decreases. Hopefully I will get them done tonight. (I have to go to work today.) This is some of the yarn from my first attempt at dyeing yarn, when I learned that 1) you don't need to leave the yarn as wet as you do the roving, and 2) more citric acid... I had the yarn too wet and not enough citric acid and the dye didn't stay where I put it, and the colors all kind of ran together. But I liked the results, they will be my crazy mixed-up socks.
Here is Narda reminding me that it is bad manners to read at the dinner table.

Believe it or not, that's it for today. I just wanted to put a little knitting content in my knitting blog. Maybe later I can put an update with a picture of the finished socks...

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