Some purple in my life
But, here I am anyway. I have a couple of purple things for Project Spectrum July (link in side bar).
My first purple item is an FO - I finished my purple malabrigo hat.
I don't have anyone to take a picture of me modeling it, and I can't seem to manage to get a self-portrait, so for now, here is a boring picture of it. I should have had someone in my knitting group take a picture of me in it, they all said it "looked like me." hmmm, I wonder what that means...After all the trouble I had getting the hang of the bobbles, you can't even see them running up alongside of the cables.
Then I realized I have a couple of purple/violet items I look at several times a day in my bedroom. I guess that's the whole point of this project, to make us notice the beauty around us. I KNEW these things were there of course, but never really thought about their colors. I have this quilted appliqued wall hanging on the wall next to my dresser in my bedroom.
This is my purple hat box (yes I have hats in it!!)

As all around the rest of Minnesota, up here on the range it has been very hot. Sunday it was just so miserable I decided to stay in the house with my air conditioner on, and watch movies and spin all afternoon. I got quite a bit of spinning done. Using my little wheel that goes roving with me, I filled a second bobbin of this gray jacob and plyed it into two skeins. Wow, I just realized how sloppily these skeins are wound!!! ooops...I was impatient to get the picture. (what, me impatient?) I've been working on spining this gray roving while at Ironworld, so I've been getting quite a bit of it spun up. Maybe by the end of summer I'll have enough for a sweater. So far I have about 700 yards spun up. Then I switched to my Lendrum, and decided to ply two bobbins of spun singles I have had sitting on the bobbins literally for months.
I know it is not a good idea to leave the singles sit on the bobbins. A lot of it seems to have lost some of its twist and is now somewhat under-spun. Teal is my favorite color and this teal roving is very soft. I received it as a gift so I'm not sure what kind of wool it is, I would guess it might be cormo. This skein is 340 yards, and I already have another one of 370 yards (that didn't sit around on the bobbins for months and looks better.) I'll have to knit it up tightly I guess. or I probably could felt it.
My next knitting project will be to finally start a pair of Fiber Trends clogs for myself. I seem to be the only person who doesn't have a pair. I thought they would be kind of a pain to knit, but everyone assures me they aren't. For the soles I am using a solid-color Lamb's Pride, haven't decided yet which color but I have a couple of colors to chose from in my stash. For the tops I got this great yarn at Knitting Knight. I've seen it felted and it felts beautifully. Can't wait to get these done, but that won't happen if I don't get them started!!! I was going to start them tonight but instead sat and read a book. I was in the mood for an English cozy mystery but didn't have one around, instead I read Up Island by Anne Rivers Siddons. I need to learn to read and knit at the same time.
Pixie of Pixie Purls is a new spinner and wanted somewhere to talk about spinning, so she started a new forum for spinning at Let's go talk about spinning. I guess I should see if I can get any advice for plying yarn that has been left on the bobbins for months and lost its twist. Pixie's podcast is a lot of fun to listen to, she's very natural while recording, and very enthusiastic.
Well, that's about it for this time. Just wanted to get these finished things up here and show you what I've been working on. Keep spinning!!!